Human Trafficking
Human Trafficking is a form of modern day slavery and exploitation often resulting in the commercial sexual exploitation of a victim through the use of force, fraud, and/or coercion. Safe Voices is part of a collaborative team of agencies addressing the issue of Human Trafficking in Androscoggin, Oxford and Franklin Counties. We can provide individual advocacy, support, and assistance to victim of Human Trafficking as well as comprehensive education to groups and individuals in the community interested in learning more about this rising issue in Maine.
To connect with an advocate, please call our 24-hour helpline at: 1-800-559-2927.
Interested in a training? Please call our offices at: 207-795-6744
Androscoggin: 207-795-6744
Norway: 207-743-5806
Rumford: 207-369-0750
Farmington: 207-778-6107